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How we work


Nature needs space and peace to unfold without interference. At the same time, people worldwide depend on nature's resources in the form of food, energy, and as a catalyst for economic development. To ensure the global diversity of species, Aktion Amazonas works to promote sustainable coexistence between humans and nature. We do this through advocacy efforts in Denmark, the EU, and internationally, as well as projects for the sustainable conservation of the Amazon and adjacent forest ecosystems in South America.


This is where we work 

In order to increase the impact of our work, efforts are focused on areas where both the natural values and the levels of threat are high. Aktion Amazonas collaborates through local partnerships to conserve forests and empower indigenous people in the Santa Cruz and Pando regions in Bolivia and the Madre de Dios region in Peru.  


Santa Cruz is where South America's second-largest forest area is found – the Chiquitano Forest. The forest covers a total area of over 24 million hectares and consists of tropical dry forest adapted to withstand drought for parts of the year when it does not rain. The Chiquitano Forest is rich in biodiversity and home to several indigenous communities.


This forest, unlike the Amazon, is easily accessible and therefore under tremendous pressure from agriculture. Every year, vast areas are burned and cleared to make way for pasture for cattle or soybean fields. This puts pressure on biodiversity and contributes to climate change. 


The Pando region of Bolivia and the neighboring Madre de Dios region in Peru are two large rainforest regions which, together cover an area of nearly 150,000 km2. Most of these regions are covered by rainforests inhabited by 15 different indigenous peoples. Pollution from mining and deforestation puts pressure on the forests and indigenous communities and contributes to climate change.

Framework Strategy 22-25

Theory of Change

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Our work in South America

Through strong partnerships and close collaboration with local authorities and the local population, Aktion Amazonas supports the fight for the protection and preservation of South America's tropical forests with a long-term goal of preventing biodiversity loss and reducing climate change.

We achieve this through four mutually dependent strategic efforts aimed at strengthening the conservation capacities and rights of indigenous peoples and local forest communities, supporting the establishment and management of protected areas, and ultimately creating nature corridors by connecting productive landscapes with indigenous territories, national parks, and other protected areas.

Our primary focus is on indigenous territories, as more than a third of the world's remaining pristine forests, known as intact forest landscapes, are found in areas either managed or owned by indigenous people.

Our international efforts are grounded in Aktion Amazonas' forandringsteori


Climate Change Adaptation & Ecosystem Management​​


Aktion Amazonas works to strengthen local communities' resilience to climate change, market fluctuations, and profit-driven pressure on natural resources found on their land by promoting sustainable forest livelihoods and diversification capacities through the following initiatives:

  • Enhancing communities' climate-smart agricultural and sustainable gardening practices and agroforestry skills.

  • Establishing community-based Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) through participatory and democratic organization based on commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Resources (NTFRs)

  • Developing and adjusting nature and environmental management plans.

  • Raising awareness about environmental threats and underlying drivers, and highlighting the connection between livelihoods, ecosystem services, and biodiversity conservation.

  • Organizing, training, and equipping local reforestation groups responsible for tree cultivation, planting, and care.


Territorial Governance & New Technologies


Aktion Amazonas works to strengthen the territorial integrity and rights of rural and indigenous communities and civil society groups by promoting rights-based approaches to conservation through support for:

  • Organizing, training, and equipping Community Surveillance Groups (CSGs) / Site Wide Surveillance Groups (SWSGs) to monitor, document, and report illegal activities using modern technology (satellites, drones, GPS).

  • Organizing and enhancing the advocacy skills of community and indigenous authorities to exert political influence.

  • Building the capacities of local public officials and environmental enforcement officers.


Enviromental Education & Awareness


Aktion Amazonas works to increase children and young people's knowledge to take responsibility for solving environmental problems by promoting youth engagement in nature conservation through support for:

  • Developing and equipping Community Environmental Training Centers operated by young people trained as 'Environmental Promoters'.

  • Organizing and training Community Youth Conservation Groups (CYCG).

  • Training community teachers in environmental and conservation topics and developing teaching materials and teacher guidelines based on the method 'Teaching of Ecology in the School Yard'.


Wildfire Mitigation & Management


Aktion Amazonas works to enhance communities' wildfire adaptation capacities by promoting sustainable approaches to wildfire mitigation and management through support for:

  • Organizing, training, and equipping volunteer community firefighting brigades as the first line of defense against wildfires.

  • Training communities in wildfire preparedness and mitigation, including alternatives to 'slash and burn' shifting cultivation practices.

  • Developing a community-based wildfire early warning system to alert Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs).



Aktion Amazonas’ work is underpinned by scientific research. Our scientific research is used to document conservation progress and set priorities, inform

on-the-ground actions, and guide work in natural resource management and territorial planning, shape policy and advocacy, enhance understanding of nature while raising awareness of nature conservation. Monitoring nature and collecting information on biodiversity and the overall health of the forests in which we operate are therefore integral components of our international nature conservation efforts.

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