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It is important to Aktion Amazonas that any fraud, misconduct, or wrongdoing by Aktion Amazonas employees or volunteers are reported and properly dealt with.


We also encourage irregularities/corruption with project funding to be reported.


Unacceptable circumstances can be reported anonymously by emailing or contacting Aktion Amazonas’ Management (Leadership Team) or the chairperson of the Board.

Contact information Management: 

Executive Director, Toke Nyborg, mail:
Finance & Program Director, Nazaret Fernandez, mail: 


Contact information chairman of the Board:
Anders Hessellund, mail:


Reporting can also be done through a trusted colleague of the relevant person.


If the complaint concerns irregularities/corruption with project funding, you should contact the Danish project coordinator via email or WhatsApp. If you do not have information on the relevant project coordinator, the inquiry should be directed to Aktion Amazonas Finance & Program Directors via email:


Complaints procedures
Complaints are dealt with by a 'Complaints Group' consisting of Aktion Amazonas’ Director, Finance & Program Director, and one Board representative appointed by the Board, totaling three individuals.


For complaints concerning any of these persons, the Complaints Group is assembled without the accused person. He/She is replaced with a representative from the Board.


The 'Complaints Group' ensures the registration of the case and assesses whether further actions are required.



Aktion Amazonas provides protection for whistleblowers raising a legitimate concern about specified matters. These are called "qualifying disclosures".


A qualifying disclosure is one made in the public interest by a person who has a reasonable belief that one or more of the following acts has taken place:


  • a criminal offence

  • a miscarriage of justice

  • an act creating risk to health and safety

  • an act causing damage to the environment

  • a breach of any other legal obligation

  • concealment


It is not necessary for the individual to have proof that such an act is being, has been, or is likely to be, committed - a reasonable belief is sufficient. The whistleblower has no responsibility for investigating the matter - it is the organisation's responsibility to ensure that an investigation takes place.


If the whistleblower is an employee and if he/she is not sure whether to raise a concern, they should discuss the issue with their line manager, the ED or the Chairman.

Whistleblower Protocol 

Protocolo de Protección al Denunciante de


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